Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Not much new on the spiritual front lately. Haven't had a session with the rabbi in a couple weeks, because he was consumed by family crises, then I was out of town and too tired for our session this past week. Being out of town, I didn't get to attend any services this past weekend. This coming weekend, I hope to get my lazy butt out of bed and attend both Saturday synagogue services and a Quaker meeting on Sunday.

At our Building Your Own Theology class last night, we talked about the nature of God. I'm pretty much the only one in the group who believes in a personal relationship with God. Others either don't believe in a higher power, or believe in a deistic God who created the world and takes no real interest in it. (My argument is why would God even bother to create the world if he/she was not going to take an interest in it afterward?)

Our BYOT leader proposed to his girlfriend publicly at the UU General Assembly in front of thousands of people. That's pretty neat. However, I'm not envious. I remain committed to the single life. I think I was meant to be on my own. Relationships literally drive me crazy. I am much more sane when I am single. It helps that I have a cat to love, who gives me unconditional affection. I don't know if I could care about a partner as much as I care for my cat, which might sound pretty sad, but it's true... just because my cat is consistent in giving love, is not hard to understand, and makes me the center of his universe. Hard not to reciprocate all that...

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