Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Trying it on for size

Well, I didn't dress "modestly" today, which would earn me no points with my rabbi (but hey, this is Arizona, and not only is it hot outside, my cubicle is absolutely sweltering, and the only way I can stand it is to wear sleeveless and/or thin-material clothing to work). But I did try to eat a kosher diet. For breakfast/lunch, I had several biscuits from Burger King (I am addicted to them). Then I had an early dinner just now of a fish sandwich from Wendy's, sans tartar sauce. I'm not a big fan of fish, but since meat is off limits.... I don't know if Wendy's fish really meets the kosher criteria (it has to have a dorsal fin and swim in the ocean, according to the rabbi), but at least I made the effort. I'm going to try to keep up the kosher effort until we meet next week, so I can hopefully give him something to be proud of me for. And it will show him I am serious about learning Jewish ways and values. I will try to dress "modestly" for my meeting with him next week, and when I attend a temple next Friday night, the 11th. The people at the temple said not to wear anything sleeveless. I'll take that to heart and try to be as conservative as possible to avoid attracting attention. Even down to my shoes. (I have some pretty wild ones.)

Hmmm, what can I have for dinner tomorrow that's kosher? I have some Rice a Roni. That should be okay...

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