Thursday, May 27, 2010

Seeking the truth...

My Christian fundamentalist brother is happy I am exploring religion, but has serious reservations about it being in a UU context, especially since the group leader is a self-described atheist. He encouraged me to explore a variety of churches, synagogues, and mosques. So I am listening to him - in my own way. I took the quiz again and got the same results as several years ago - 100 percent Reform Judaism, then Liberal Quakerism, then Bahai, then UU (at 90 percent). So I decided I will explore the three religions that ranked above UU, while remaining a UU.... that's the beauty of UU, you can believe other things (or nothing) and still be a UU! I connected with a personable rabbi who will have dinner with me to discuss matters spiritual, and I e-mailed the local Bahai group about study groups near me. I also wrote down the address of the closest Quaker meetinghouse near me (not very close at all, actually), and plan to check out a service, though I hear they're odd... lots of sitting in silence in reflection and prayer, with occasional divine insights expressed. Weird, but worth a shot. And, because my brother mentioned Islam and because it was in my top 10 in beliefnet, and also because I have always been fascinated by Islam, I e-mailed a local Islamic Center to see about classes, or speaking with the imam before attending a service, etc. Although it just now occurred to me that I work Fridays, so that might not work out for me, since that's their big evening prayer day. I might have to adjust my work schedule if I go the Islam route.

Anyway, I wrote my mom about my religious quest, and she seemed disappointed in me. All she wrote back was that all my Catholic education must have been wasted. I don't know why my searching for a way to worship God (since I do believe in God) and be spiritual would upset her. She gets down on my brother for being TOO religious. So why would she find my quite moderate position alarming? Does she want me to just be a nice quiet Catholic gal like she grew up to be despite being abused by the nuns in grade school?

Anyway, below is an e-mail I wrote to my mom, outlining my religious beliefs. So I have pretty much captured the essentials, I think:

If I were to summarize my religious beliefs, I would say there is a God (a spiritual, asexual God/Goddess) who is a creator but who allows humans free will. Sometimes God might intercede to bring about something positive, but I don't think God causes negative things; those things happen because of accidents, flaws in human nature, etc. (And natural disasters occur because God has allowed the weather to have free will as well.) I think God's presence can be felt in nature (beautiful woods, majestic mountains, etc.), and seen in the wonderful family I have been blessed with, and of course having Murray brought into my life in the "destined" way he was. Simba was also a blessing from God, helping me through a tough time when I really needed it, and he kept alive my will to live.

I think the most important thing in life to honor God is to treat other people with kindness and to serve the less fortunate. That can sometimes be difficult to do, but it is our main mission. It is easy to get self-centered and caught up in your own problems, but when you give to another person, or just brighten their day with a smile, you are earning points for the afterlife (which I do believe in... I want to believe there is a heaven but no hell, which is what UUs believe... I think most of the worst dregs of humanity get most of their just punishment on earth, and maybe there will just be a special "wing" of heaven for them.... which will REALLY be heaven for them, since they'll all be together!). I do believe in the power of good works to help obtain a better spot in the afterlife. I don't agree with the Calvinistic/Lutheran viewpoint that good works mean nothing, but rather, God saves by grace alone. Perhaps we do depend on God's grace for our salvation, but I think our own worthiness is a big influence.

So, I am a big proponent of community service, volunteering, donating to worthy causes, etc. My favorite cause is helping animals, though I also help people through donating clothing, giving to drives at work like Easter Seals, etc. My means are limited, so I can't give much. But I do what I can. The UUs say "service is our prayer." I try to live that out when I think of it.

UUs believe everything in the world is connected, and I believe this as well. We are connected to all other people and life forms and even inanimate objects in many ways. We have a large impact on other people and animals and plants and so forth, by our actions. The world is one big interdependent ecosystem. No one is an island. No matter how much of a hermit they might try to be.

So, to sum it up.... love your neighbor, do good things, don't be greedy, acknowledge your place in the universe.... and there is a God who will reward you with a pleasant afterlife if you have proven worthy. I believe God is extremely forgiving, which is why I like to believe there is no hell. (I like to believe that because I'm afraid sometimes of ending up there!)

I don't think you will find my religious beliefs extreme in any way. Hopefully you will be pleased that I feel the way I do about many things. The trick for me is finding a religion that shares my beliefs without being sexist (Catholic church) or discriminatory toward gays (most Christian churches) or obsessed with Jesus, whom I consider a great teacher and POSSIBLY the Messiah, but emphasis on POSSIBLY... not one hundred percent sold (most Christian churches).... that is why some of the more unusual religions appeal to me, because they lack these "faults" that more mainstream churches have.

Don't worry, I won't join a cult. Even Bahai is considered a real religion and not a cult. It is the fastest growing religion. I am just exploring my options among several recognized but unconventional religions, while remaining a UU for the time being.

Love to you and Simba (her cat)
from Jen and Murray (my cat) and Allah (just kidding)

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